Top 10 AI Uses in Marketing



Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been a great tool that allows marketers to compete at a higher level, earn higher profits in their business, and enjoy the benefit of freeing up more of their time.

For some, it is still a new and confusing tool that can easily overwhelm someone unless they know how to apply it for maximum efficiency and productivity. Luckily, there is a lot of discussion online about the use of AI in online marketing, so you can easily see how others are using it to their advantage.

Initially, many mistakenly assumed it was merely a content creation tool that could spit out blog posts and books instantaneously. But this outlook undercuts the true value of AI.

Instead, it makes it sound as if AI is nothing more than an article spinner, when in fact it has a far greater use for online entrepreneurs. Below, we are going to explore the top ten ways marketers are currently using simple AI technology like ChatGPT to improve their business so that you can apply this to your own strategy.

#1: AI Turns You Into a Powerful Content Competitor

Content is one of your biggest demands in online marketing. It’s how you reach your customers, get them loyal to your business and convince them to buy from your links. AI is widely used by online entrepreneurs in the development of content.

If you’re using it in the most basic way, such as a prompt like: “write a blog post about weight loss,” then you won’t be getting the best benefits out of your AI tools. Tools like ChatGPT are capable of delivering high-quality blog content based on your chosen keywords, the intended target audience, and more.

By using AI to keep your blog content flowing regularly, search bots and human visitors alike will see the benefit of referring to your site for fresh information. You can publish daily now, thanks to AI.

If you want to boost the number of subscribers you have, you can use AI to create content in the form of a lead magnet offer. You don’t have to be restricted to a single lead magnet - because AI can create dozens of them for you to drive traffic to.

AI is capable of creating lead magnets in the form of short reports, full eBooks, cheat sheets, checklists, or even an ongoing email series where you cater to the needs of your audience.

Another content need you might have is to create your own info products, and AI is more than capable of helping you brainstorm, outline, and create each chapter for content that you can sell as a product for your brand.

If you want to turn revenue as an affiliate marketer, many entrepreneurs are using AI to draft affiliate reviews and even bonus content they can offer to convince people to purchase through their link.

#2: AI Works as an SEO Agency on Your Behalf

Search engine optimization is something that many online entrepreneurs struggle with. They resort to not only purchasing plugins and courses on how to achieve better rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs) but sometimes hiring agencies to help them dominate as well.

On a limited budget, this can be very difficult to do competitively. But now, thanks to AI, the playing field has been leveled and you can use AI to help optimize every part of your content to appease both search bots and humans alike.

AI helps marketers with optimizing their titles, sub headings, descriptive content that is enriched with the best cluster of keywords, and even meta descriptions and alt text for images.

It can conduct a careful analysis of what is currently ranking well for the keywords you want to target and dissect it to figure out how to create the best plan for your own content to take over that number one spot.

#3: AI Acts as a Social Media Manager to Boost Traffic and Engagement

Social media has become such a powerful component of online success, that it nearly rivals having your own blog, even though you're not in control of it in the same manner. However, there is a lot of competition for the attention of a target audience on various social platforms.

AI is helping online entrepreneurs in a variety of ways. For example, it can tell you what the best platforms would be for your specific niche and target audiences. Then, it can do some work with social listening to see what kind of content, including the topics and the formats or styles, are working best with audiences on each platform.

Not only can it brainstorm content that makes you competitive in that space, but it can do so in a way that helps you get engagement and click throughs to your offers. If you are the kind of marketer who struggles in coming up with ideas that will appease a hungry audience on a regular basis, AI can do the work for you.

So you can tell it that you want content planned for Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter (X) and LinkedIn - and it can give you content ideas and instructions, create content for you, give you the hashtags and descriptions to use - and even tell you the exact day of the week and times to post it.

Instead of having to hire a social media manager, AI can serve your needs without the added cost. There are some AI tools that can even handle the scheduling and publishing of the content across multiple platforms on your behalf.

#4: AI Heightens the Success of Your Email Marketing Efforts

Another way online entrepreneurs are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence technology is by making their email marketing campaigns even more successful. We all know that with emails, you have to hit the right buttons with your subscribers.

If not, they won't open your emails, won't read them to completion, and most certainly won't act on them in a way that you want them to. Even if you are currently sending emails to your list, AI can make sure that your subject lines generate more opens to improve that rate.

It can help you craft your email content so that it feels more personalized and specific to your target audience segments. It can improve your persuasive measures so that you are ensuring the delivery of value to their inbox, while simultaneously encouraging them to take action on your advice.

Basically, instead of being a generic persona with your emails, your recipients will begin to look forward to your content and your engagement and conversion rates will start to soar.

#5: AI Serves as a Creative Director and Business Strategist

In a large corporation, you would probably have different teams or positions that were responsible for the creative and strategic aspect of your business. But as a solo entrepreneur, these responsibilities rest solely on your shoulders.

Now, marketers can rely on AI tools to help them with these endeavors. AI has the ability to look at trends and news and the demands of your target audience and come up with innovative topics for your content.

It can also provide you with someone to bounce ideas off of and help gain an overall direction of where you want to take your business. If you need assistance with optimizing your workflow and making your entire system more efficient, AI can serve you well in that regard.

Even the concept of monetization is made easier by using AI to explore different options for your online brand and helping you achieve success in a variety of ways so that you aren't restricted to just one income stream.

#6: AI Conducts Analysis Operations and Advises You on Improvements

When you are a solo entrepreneur, working for yourself, you can't afford to make a large number of mistakes or wrong decisions, because that will delay your success. You need to carefully analyze data so that you can be strategic in your choices.

The only problem is data analysis takes time, and for many people, it's simply not something they understand very well. Instead of throwing darts blindly and trying to choose your next direction, you can lean on AI to conduct different types of analysis for you and then advise you on what to do.

For example, AI can take data that you provided from your website traffic and help you make decisions about the type of content you publish in the near future as well as any improvements you need to make to what's already there.

This can assist you in meeting the needs of your visitors as well as reducing technical issues such as having a high bounce rate. But site traffic is not the only thing AI can assist you in analyzing.

You can use it to analyze the results of your email autoresponder campaigns so that it can pinpoint areas you need to improve, such as a low email open rate. Or, it can give you advice about how to segment your audience so that you get better results whenever you do contact your subscribers.

If you have data from your various social media accounts, you can provide that information to AI and ask it to help you better understand your audience’s needs on each platform and craft content that gets better engagement and overall improved performance.

For those of you who are selling on a third party platform, or acting as an affiliate marketer, you can use the data that is accumulated on your account to ask AI for help improving your earnings with various promotions.


#7: AI Provides You with 3 Types of Copywriting Services

Copywriting is a different form of writing that many online entrepreneurs don't feel confident with. It requires you to be more persuasive and in some cases, pushy with your audience - which makes most people uncomfortable writing.

AI can take over the sales page copywriting task and generate headlines, storyline, a bulletpoint benefits left, and call to action that helps your product convert better for you and for the affiliates who are sending traffic to your offer.

If you are acting as an affiliate promoting someone else's offer, you can use AI to craft the copy for a bridge page that warms up your subscriber before you send them through to the sales letter.

AI also has the ability to write the copy for a simple landing page that is specifically designed to get people to agree to be on your list in exchange for some sort of freebie or incentive.

#8: AI Gives You the Ability to Gather and Use Intelligence About Competitors

If you aren't making notes about what your competitors are doing, it's going to be very difficult for you to outperform them, whether you're talking about ranking in the SERPs or simply positioning yourself as the better niche leader.

A competitor analysis is something that is easy for AI to do, as long as you give it the information about who your niche is and what your goals are. It can spot the best options for you to target in terms of competitive domination with your blog, on social media, with products that you launch, and more.

With that information in hand, you can then work with AI to develop a strategic plan that will create a unique approach with your target audience that pulls them toward your brand and away from that of your competitors.

In some cases, your competitors will be well known and AI can simply tell you what it has learned about their content, targeting, and optimization efforts. In other cases, you may have to give AI some details about your competitors if they aren't well known so that it can extract insight to then advise you about.

#9: AI Steps in as a Research and Coach for Your Business

One thing that not many people admit to is that they are using AI for research and also educational purposes. Not only is it used to help them serve their audience, but to serve themselves and elevate their own knowledge about their niche or the online marketing industry.

When you are trying to to gain a better understanding about a topic, you can rely on AI to gather important information or scan through lengthy content and summarize it for you with key points that educate and inform you without consuming most of your time.

If there's a concept you don't understand fully, you can work with AI to have it create a tutorial that explains difficult concept and helps you advance your knowledge without you having to purchase a course or pay for coaching.

This is an industry that requires continuing education, and AI can help you on the fly. All you have to do is prompt it with a question to explain something to you and even tell you how it applies to your brand and business so that you can operate without being in the dark.

For example, if you were new to online marketing and didn't understand the concept of segmenting your list, you could prompt AI to explain it to you and to give you an example in your niche so that you can then make plans for your own subscriber segmenting.

#10: AI Optimizes Your Business Performance with Strategic Split Testing

Last, but not least, online marketers are using AI to enhance the performance of their business in many different areas with immediate split testing advice and content. There are different ways you can use split testing in your online business.

AI can craft a split test version of your sales copy, for example. They can tell you what metrics to be looking for, and what will possibly make the biggest impact, whether it's your headlines being split tested or your call to action statement.

You can use AI to split test your online ads so that you are being more efficient with your ad spend. If you need two versions of an email to split test, not only can AI tell you how you should be pitting two versions against one another, but it can craft the content you can then upload immediately.

It's not just the creation of split tested content that matters with this strategy. It's the analysis after it has gone live that makes the biggest impact. If you aren't analyzing the results and then making a strategic decision after the fact, the split test itself won't be helpful.

All you have to do is report back to AI once the experiment is done and allow it to review the data and results so that it can further advise you of the next steps you should be taking.

AI is not meant to replace you as an online entrepreneur. Your creativity and determined mindset will pair nicely with the innovative advice AI has to offer. Best of all, many AI tools are 100% free for you to use, so all you have to do is master the prompt process to ensure the output always works in your favor.