Quick Tip - Email Formatting
Here are a few ways to make your emails easier to read and hopefully get better results, when you send out your email ads to either your list, solo ads or safelists.
Shorten The Text Line Length
Use a maximum line length of about 50 to 70 characters as it makes it easier on the eyes to read.
This text is not formatted and flows completely across the page and makes it hard for the eyes to easily read it.
This text is formatted to 50
characters wide and
is so much easier to read.
Make Shorter Paragraphs
Format the email into 1-2 Sentences per paragraph, as this also makes it easier to read as the text is not all in one big chunk.
This text is all bunched together in one
huge load of text and it makes it difficult
to read, especially if there is a lot of text
in the email. It also makes it very difficult
to not lose your place if you get
distracted and then look back at the
screen to find where you left off, as you
have to scan through the text to find your
This text is spaced out into paragraphs of
only 1-2 sentences.
This makes it a lot easier to read the text.
Also you can easily find where you left off
reading if you get distracted.
You can format your emails in a text editor, but an easier solution is to use this free Email Formatting Tool.
Simply paste your text into the tool, set your Maximum Line Length to 50 to 70.
Now click the "Split lines after full stop." checkbox to space out the text into short paragraphs and you can then click "Format Email".
Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and it is ready to be pasted into your email.
I hope this quick tip was useful?
All the best,
Martin Chantler.