Food Game Gold Rush System

To promote the Food Game Gold Rush splash page with your referal links added simply enter your site IDs below.

If you are not a member of any of the sites listed then simply join and enter your IDs.

You can promote the splash page in your favourite traffic exchanges to promote the Food Game Gold Rush draw.

So take action and start building your traffic and downlines now!

Step 1. Join The Food Game

Click Here To Join The Food Game if you aren't already a member.

To locate your referral ID: Login to your account and click "Promote" on the top menu and your main affiliate link is shown on that page.

Enter Your Referral ID Below:

Skip this program for now, use referrer's ID.

Step 2. Join Easy Online Advertising

Click Here To Join Easy Online Advertising if you aren't already a member.

To locate your referral ID: Login to your account and click "Affiliates" on the top menu and then click "Affiliate Toolbox" on the 2nd menu. Your Affiliate Link is shown at the top of the page.

Enter Your Referral ID Below:

Skip this program for now, use referrer's ID.

Step 3. Join I-Love Traffic

Click Here To Join I-Love Traffic if you aren't already a member.

To locate your referral ID: Login to your account and click "Affiliates" on the left-hand menu and then click on "Promotional Tools". Your referral link is then shown at the top of the page.

Enter Your Referral ID Below:

Skip this program for now, use referrer's ID.

Step 4. Get Your FREE System Links

Splash Page Link

This link is the splash page that will allow you to promote this system with your affiliate IDs in your traffic sources.

Simply copy the link below.


System Page Link

This link is for the actual system page you are on now. This can be added to your own splash pages and if you are building a list in your emails.

Simply copy the link below.

Step 8. Send Traffic To Your Splash Page Link

Now simply promote your splash page link at your favourite traffic exchanges, safelists, emails, social media etc.

If you want you can add the link to your favourite tracker to track your hits and shorten the link.


Promotional Materials

You can use these banners to promote your own system.

More Promotional Banners Coming Soon!


Need help? Simply contact reducethehype (at) gmail (dot) com.

System Created by - FREE Internet Marketing Tools and Tips!