Frequently Asked Questions

To set up your ads, goto the Ad Type section on the left side menu under ADVERTISING. You should only post banners for other sites you wish to promote, NOT %sitename% banners.

NOTE: Banners must be 468x60 or they will be returned unapproved.
You can use credits to trade for banner ads & text links.
"Pay using your credits" will appear if you have enough credits to trade.

Banners and text ads are rotated throughout our site. Members are given an incentive of extra credits for viewing them.

Go to the View Ads or Surf Sites page to earn credits, or click on any of the banner or text links that show at the top of our pages.

The credits are being added, you cannot see the change until you refresh the page or navigate to a new page.

Or, it may be that you have already clicked that very same banner once before, and won't receive credits for the click.

You can use credits to trade for Banners, Text Links or other advertising.
To set up your ads, goto the Ad Type section on the left side menu under ADVERTISING.
If you have enough credits, there will be a hyperlink visible that says 'pay using your credits'