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Video Capture Page Hints and Tips


More and more people are now using videos on their lead capture pages, which is a good thing and should increase engagement with the prospect, and ultimately lead to a better sign-up rate.


If however, you are using video capture pages in advertising sites such as traffic exchanges, viral mailers and safelists, then you need to be aware of possible problems that could be harming your opt-in rate.


Sorry I Can't Hear You

Many people using traffic exchanges and safelists do so with the volume muted on their computer, as they tend to have several tabs open at the same time. So if you have a video capture page with some sort of talking head video, then below is what they will see:-


Talking Head


If you want to use video on your lead capture pages, then you need to use some type of video sales letter, whiteboard animation or have captions or subtitles on the video. This way people can actually read your message as text and will more likely take notice of your video.


Video Sales Letter


No Attention Grabbing Headline

You only have a couple of seconds to get the viewers attention, and sometimes the video may not have even loaded before they are clicking onto the next site. You MUST have an attention grabbing headline on your page and also a strong call to action, so as to get people to notice your ad and sign-up. Below is a sample of a video page I saw being advertised, and as you can see it gives you no incentive to take action.


No Heading


JavaScript Turned Off

Lots of people now use traffic exchanges and safelists with ad blockers or some sort of plugin like NoScript, which means that your video ends up being shown like this:-


YT Broken


To overcome this problem then you can use some code to simply replace the video with an animated GIF, when JavaScript is turned off. Also having a good main heading and call to action will mean you still get your message across.


Give the above tips a go on your next video capture page, and see if they improve your conversion!