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Free Cross-Browser Testing Tools



You have just created a brilliant new squeeze page or other web property and it looks fine in your browser, but does it look right in other browsers, or even on other operating systems?


This can be a major problem as a browser on a Windows machine is completely different to the same browser on a Linux or OS X machine. If you don't have all these different machines and browsers, then testing is almost impossible.


This is where you can use cross-browser testing tools, that enable you to view your web page in many other browsers and operating systems. You can then quickly see any problems and fix them before going live.


These tools can help make your business a lot more profitable, as you will make sure that you don't lose sign-ups to your lists, due to the page not displaying correctly on the visitors machine.


Listed below are some of the best free cross-browser testing tools online.






This site contains ones of the most extensive selection of browsers and operating systems there is. It has all the main browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. It also allows you to check across Linux, Windows, Mac and BSD systems.


The results are displayed as screen captures from the different machines that are testing the web page. Do not select too many to test as once as you are limited on time to run the tests. Just pick the main operating systems and browsers, or split you tests up.






This site allows you to test on the most popular browsers. The tests are run through browsers on their servers, meaning you can have a fully interactive experience with the site.


The free version allows you to test a variety of browsers in a 3 minute session, which is plenty of time to test that new squeeze page.



I hope this is helpful to all you creating your own pages. If you need any help, then just contact me (details in header and footer), I am always here to help.


All the best,

Martin Chantler.